Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sharing Happiness

Dear Friends,

These days of fall and winter and less sunlight, lead us to follow nature and to turn inward.
To reflect and to find a warm place together.

These days are also the days of Christmas, the celebration of hope and enlightenment. The coming of compassion and peace to the world. From now on the days are getting longer again and the sun is rising higher each day.

This Monday we will have a special celebration in our Sangha evening.
We will share happiness and speak out and celebrate gratitude.

After a short sitting meditation all Sangha members are invited to bring their happiness and share it with the group.
This can be in the form of a poem, a song, a musical performance on guitar or piano, a quote from a book or from someone that inspires you. Also you can bring a painting or a photograph or something to eat.
We are happy to hear the song that your grandmother used to sing or the love and affection you get from your pet. 

The doors will be open at 19h30
Meditation will start at 20h00
Sharing Happiness will start at about 20h30

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Non Discrimination

Dear Friends,

Monday Dec 16 we will watch a piece of a dharma talk by Thich Nhat Hanh, about Non-Discrimination.

Boundaries are artificial, we have invented them.
Much suffering comes from disciminitive thinking.
In a funny and loving Dharma talk for children Thay makes a case for inclusiveness, compassion and Non-Discrimination.

Doors will be open at 19h30,
Video will start at 20h

Enjoy !
Sunrise in Plumvillage (Upper Hamlet) Last week during the winter retreat

Sunday, December 1, 2013

True Happiness

Dear Friends

In line with the previous weeks we will focus our meditation tomorrow on one of the 5 mindfulness trainings:

True Happiness

Aware of the suffering caused by exploitation, social injustice, stealing, and oppression, I am committed to practicing generosity in my thinking, speaking, and acting. I am determined not to steal and not to possess anything that should belong to others; and I will share my time, energy, and material resources with those who are in need. I will practice looking deeply to see that the happiness and suffering of others are not separate from my own happiness and suffering; that true happiness is not possible without understanding and compassion; and that running after wealth, fame, power and sensual pleasures can bring much suffering and despair. I am aware that happiness depends on my mental attitude and not on external conditions, and that I can live happily in the present moment simply by remembering that I already have more than enough conditions to be happy. I am committed to practicing Right Livelihood so that I can help reduce the suffering of living beings on Earth and reverse the process of global warming.

AANDACHTSOEFENING: Werkelijk gelukBewust van het lijden veroorzaakt door uitbuiting, sociaal onrecht, diefstal en onderdrukking beloof ik van ganser harte te leren vrijgevig te zijn in mijn denken, spreken en handelen. Ik heb het oprechte voornemen niet te stelen en me niets toe te eigenen wat een ander toebehoort en mijn tijd, energie en materiĆ«le middelen te delen met allen die dat nodig hebben. Ik wil  diepgaand leren kijken zodat ik kan zien dat het geluk en  lijden van anderen niet verschilt van mijn eigen geluk en lijden, dat werkelijk geluk niet mogelijk is zonder begrip en mededogen en dat het najagen van weelde, roem, macht en zintuiglijk genot veel lijden en wanhoop kan veroorzaken. Ik ben me er van bewust dat werkelijk geluk afhangt van mijn geestelijke houding en niet van uiterlijke omstandigheden en ik kan hier en nu gelukkig zijn door te beseffen dat er in en om mij heen genoeg voorwaarden zijn om gelukkig te zijn. Ik neem me voor om op een juiste manier in mijn levensonderhoud te voorzien zodat ik kan helpen om het lijden van levende wezens op  aarde te verminderen en het proces van de opwarming van onze aarde te keren.

Doors will be open at 19h30,
Guided sitting meditation will start at 20h
Followed by Silent walking and silent sitting meditation.
At about 21h there will be a short break before the 
Dharma sharing.
We will finsh with informal tea as usual.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nourishment and Healing

Dear Friends,

Tomorrow evening (Monday Nov-24) we will concentrate on one of the 5 mindfulness trainings.
This time we will look at the 5th:

Nourishment and Healing
Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I am committed to cultivating
good health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and my society by
practicing mindful eating, drinking, and consuming. I will practice looking deeply into
how I consume the Four Kinds of Nutriments, namely edible foods, sense impressions,
volition, and consciousness. I am determined not to gamble, or to use alcohol, drugs, or
any other products which contain toxins, such as certain websites, electronic games, TV
programs, films, magazines, books, and conversations. I will practice coming back to the
present moment to be in touch with the refreshing, healing and nourishing elements in me
and around me, not letting regrets and sorrow drag me back into the past nor letting
anxieties, fear, or craving pull me out of the present moment. I am determined not to try
to cover up loneliness, anxiety, or other suffering by losing myself in consumption. I will
contemplate interbeing and consume in a way that preserves peace, joy, and well-being in
my body and consciousness, and in the collective body and consciousness of my family,
my society and the Earth.

Doors will be open at 19h30 (at the  Kapel, Kanaalstraat 6)
Meditation will start at 20h with
guided meditation on Nourishment and Healing (ca 25min)
Sielent walking meditation (ca 10 min)
Sielent sitting (ca 25min)

After that we have a short break,
If you want to stay in the silence or go to bed early feel free to go, for those who stay we continue with
Dharma sharing  (30 - 40 min)
and informal tea.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Loving Speech and Deep Listening

Dear friends,

After an inspiring video and Dharma sharing last week, we will focus this Monday on one of the 5 mindfulness trainings. (location: Kapel at Kanaalstraat 6, Eindhoven)

Loving Speech and Deep Listening
Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability to listen to others,
I am committed to cultivating loving speech and compassionate listening in order to
relieve suffering and to promote reconciliation and peace in myself and among other
people, ethnic and religious groups, and nations.
Knowing that words can create happiness or suffering,
I am committed to speaking truthfully using words that
inspire confidence, joy, and hope.
When anger is manifesting in me, I am determined not to speak.
I will practice mindful breathing and walking in order to recognize and to look deeply
into my anger. I know that the roots of anger can be found in my wrong perceptions and
lack of understanding of the suffering in myself and in the other person.
I will speak and listen in a way that can help myself and the other person to transform
suffering and see the way out of difficult situations. I am determined not to spread news
that I do not know to be certain and not to utter words that can cause division or discord.
I will practice Right Diligence to nourish my capacity for understanding, love, joy, and
inclusiveness, and gradually transform anger, violence, and fear that lie deep in my

Liefdevol spreken en aandachtig luisteren
Bewust van het lijden veroorzaakt door onzorgvuldig spreken en het onvermogen om naar
anderen te luisteren, beloof ik van ganser harte om te leren liefdevol te spreken en met
mededogen te luisteren om zo het lijden te verminderen en verzoening en vrede tot stand te
brengen in mijzelf en tussen andere mensen, groeperingen en naties. Wetend dat woorden
geluk of leed kunnen veroorzaken, heb ik het oprechte voornemen om de waarheid te spreken
en woorden te kiezen die bijdragen tot zelfvertrouwen, vreugde en hoop. Als er woede in mij
opkomt, neem ik mij voor om niets te zeggen. Ik zal dan met aandacht mijn adem volgen en
loopmeditatie doen en diepgaand kijken om zo mijn boosheid te onderzoeken. Ik weet dat
kwaadheid geworteld is in verkeerde waarneming en gebrek aan begrip van het lijden van
mijzelf en anderen. Ik zal op zo’n manier spreken en luisteren dat wij gezamenlijk lijden kunnen
transformeren en een weg kunnen vinden uit moeilijke situaties. Ik neem me voor geen
geruchten te verspreiden en niets te zeggen dat verdeeldheid of onenigheid kan veroorzaken. Ik
zal met de juiste inzet oefenen om mijn vermogen tot begrip, liefde, vreugde en saamhorigheid
te voeden om zo boosheid, geweld en angst, die diep in mij verborgen liggen, langzaam maar
zeker te kunnen transformeren.

Doors of the Kapel will be open at 19h30
Meditation will start at 20h (Guided sitting, walking and silent sitting)
At about nine we have a short silent break before we start with Dharma sharing.
We will close as usual with informal tea.

Have a wonderful weekend !!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sangha Building Weekend

Dear Friends,

The past weekend (Fri Nov-1 till Sun Nov-10) was the special retreat for supporting Sangha building. At Biezenmortel (near Tilburg).

Of the ca 70 Sangha's in the Dutch language area there were 40 represented. In the retreat (with 65 participants) we exchanged experiences and knowledge on how to make a Sangha work and a pleasant place for the members.We received the new version of the Sangha workbook, to help organise and find topics for our practice.

There were joint meditations, exchange workshops and Dharma talks by 2 of the Dutch Dharma teachers.(Francoise Pottier and Annemiek van Leeuwen)

During the retreat all Sangha's received a gift from the foundation for living peacefully.
5 beautiful new books by Thich Nhat Hanh: (in Dutch)
In de voetsporen van de Boeddha (Old path white clouds)
Verzoening (Recocilliation, Healing the inner child)
Angst (Fear, the essential whisdom for getting through the storm)
Iedere stap is vrede (Every step is peace)

This is a wonderful start of our new Sangha library. The books are available for borrowing by Sangha members.
We will add books to our collection from now on.

Kind regards

Thursday, November 7, 2013

"Is there a compass for ethics?"

Dear Friends,

Monday evening (nov 11) we will have our monthly evening of Mindfulness input. 
We will watch the second half of the talk that Thay gave on Global awakening.
(Not in the chapel due to GLOW, but in the studio of Leo and Ingrid )

The past month we have been meditating and studying on Interbeing.
Following the talk by Thay we looked our connection and interconnection with people, with society, and with nature. Our existences are interwoven, are part of one system.

From that insight we can look at and choose our behavior.
In the video Thay will offer us 5 topics (or aspects of life) on which we can meditate and express our aspiration.
These 5 aspects have been handed down, studied and practiced during 25 centuries of Buddhist practice.

These are:
Reverence for life
True happiness
True love
Loving speech
Wholesome nourishment

After the video we have the opportunity to share our thoughts and experiences.

Doors will be open from 19h30
Video starts 20h00 and will take about 40 min.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Saturday, November 2, 2013

The world and you are one

Dear Friends,

It is a wonder and a privilege to share your life with someone.
Even more, Thich Nhat Hanh said: The wonder is not to walk on water, but to walk this earth is the wonder.

If you think of what conditions should be met in order to be alive and to breathe ...

The past weeks we have been meditating on Interbeing and our presence in this world.
This week we will concentrating on our relationship with the world, the universe, with nature. 

Last week we saw that the rose is made out of non-rose elements, like the sunshine and the cloud.
If we now look at ourselves, our bodies and our consciousness we see the same thing. All made out of non-self elements: from the water in your cells to the calcium in your bones it all existed long before the dinosaurs. Also your personality is formed from the jokes of your friend and the insights of your teacher or parents.

We inter-are as species, we inter-are with nature.

Our evening of mindfulness starts at 19h30 with tea and calming down,
meditation will start at 20h till about 21h.
Feel free to leave after meditation and stay in the silence.

After meditation we will have the opportunity to share our experiences with the Dharma (ca 30 min)

We close as usual with informal tea.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Interbeing .. your presence in this world

Dear Friends,
Last week the theme of our meditation was Interbeing and how it results in connectedness.
Tonight in our meditation we will look at Interbeing again.
Focusing on our presence in this world.
What is a rose?
Is it just the shape and the colors?
What about the scent and the roots?
What about the soil and the water or sunshine.
Take away one of these elements and the rose will not exist.
And what about the emotion or effect the rose has on me, is that part of the rose?
Or my memory of the rose
The rose does not end at the physical boundary. It is not limited by space and time.
Your presence is not limited to your physical body.
Your presence is not limited by time
You stay present in the lives you touch.
As usual doors will be open from 19h30 onwards for tea.
Meditation will start at 20h
Dharma sharing will be at about 21h
We will close with informal tea
Have a wonderful autumn day !!

Monday, October 21, 2013


Dear Friends,

Tonight our meditation will follow-up on a topic of the video of the Dharmatalk of last monday.

Thich Nhat Hanh introduced living mindfully and how that could effect your life and the world around you.
He has introduced his insight of  Interbeing as a notion on how we are connected and interwoven with our environment. (both people, animal, plant and mineral)
We form one system and cannot be seen separated.

From this insight you look different at your life and the world around you.

Tonight we will direct our guided meditation at Interbeing.
(Leo will guide this)

Doors will be open 19h30
Guided meditation will start at 20:00
followed by silent walking and
Silent sitting until 21:00

After that you can participate in Dharma sharing
and we close with informal tea

Have a wonderful evening !


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Presence in the world

Dear Friends,

This week was the birthday of Thich Nhat Hanh.
Sister Chan Kong wrote a letter which is put on the website:

The past 2 months we have been practicing stopping relaxing observing and enjoying.
The journey inwards to come home to ourselves.

This Monday we will view and listen a Dharma talk by Thich Nhat Hanh on the journey outwards. How you act and are present in this world
He talked at the Parliament on World Religions about his practise and the way of life of him and the practitioners who are inspired by him (monks nuns and lay-people.)
He proposes 5 mindfulness trainings to train your awareness of how you interact with the world around you. And to live mindfully in the present moment

The talk will take about 50 minutes, but it is in the usual slow and relaxed form. (English)

Doors will be open at 19h30 for calming down and getting to know new people.
Video will start at 20h
Afterwards we can share our thoughts, experiences and feelings

Kind regards,


Monday, September 30, 2013


Dear Friends, Beste Vrienden,
Today we received a mail from Anna B. , as you might know that next to Anna T. , she too is now treated for cancer. She has had radiation therapy and is resting and getting stronger.
She thanks us for our friendship and support and she sends her love.
As soon as she is strong enough she will join us on Monday evenings.
Until then she is practicing at home at the same time as we are practicing in the Kapel.
Next to these impact full messages, we are still enjoying the wonderful afternoon we had today with the Dharma talk by Cuong Lu.
Cuong talked about better understanding ourselves and the world around us.
The part that touched me most is that
One of the things that are reveiled to you when you start to look deeper is that you can recognize better your happiness.
Our lives are filled with beauty, next to suffering.
Cuong invited us to look deeply and to take good care of our happiness.
That you can fully see it and experience it,
That you can really say:
"This is my happiness"
The past weeks we have practiced stopping resting and observing.
Tomorrow we will be practicing recognizing and enjoying our happiness.
As usual,
Doors will be open at 19h30,
Guided meditation will start at 20h
followed by silent walking and silent sitting.
At about nine o'clock we will have Dharma sharing.
Below a copy of the mail we received from "Leven in aandacht" (Foundation for Living mindfully)
It is an announcement and a call to participate in the Sangha building weekend. (in dutch)
A weekend for people that are or want to take part in building and coordinating Sangha's.
on average 2 or 3 people of every Sangha in the Netherlands and Belgium will participate (total about 120 people)
You are invited!
Have a wonderful night and a beautiful day


De werkgroep Sangha Opbouw nodigt alle sangha's uit deel te nemen aan het Sangha Opbouw Weekend, dit jaar van 8 tot 10 november in Beukenhof (bij Tilburg). Tijdens dit weekend zullen we oefenen hoe we onze sangha’s vanuit ons hart kunnen leiden. De inschrijving loopt via de website van Leven in Aandacht
Je bent welkom als je lid bent van de kerngroep van een sangha of dat wilt worden, of als je op een andere manier helpt bij de opbouw van je sangha. Er kunnen meerdere mensen vanuit Ć©Ć©n sangha komen. Dit geldt ook voor jongeren van Wake Up. Het weekend wordt georganiseerd door de werkgroep Sangha-Opbouw van St. Leven in Aandacht, waaraan ook jongeren deelnemen.
Lees meer op de website. Wacht niet te lang met inschrijven!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Total Relaxation

Dear friends,
We have practised stopping and listening and observing.
Observing our body, our thoughts and our emotions.
Often we are so stressed and in a hurry that we do not observe what is driving us or bothering us.
And we even forget to enjoy the beauty around us and in us.
Stopping and resting is a way to give room to the present moment.
Also resting in itself is very healing and all your muscles and organs have the chance to recover.
This monday (sept 23) we will do an exercise together that is called : "Total Relaxation"
It is a form of guided meditation where you are invited to lie down and totally relax.
For this it is good to bring a blanket or sleeping bag and if you have a yoga mat to lie on (I'm not sure if we have enough)
For practical reasons the guided part will be in Dutch
Doors will be open at 19h30 for calming down and some tea.
Meditation will start at 8
Afterwards we will have a silent walking meditation
and silent tea.
If we feel like it we will also do a Dharma sharing.
Have a wonderful weekend


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Clear mind

Dear Friends,
On facebook I saw the following post by Thich Nhat Hanh:
Imagine a river reflecting the full moon. 
The river must be calm in order to reflect the full moon. 
If the river or the ocean is full of waves, if it is too turbulent, then it can never reflect the beautiful image of the moon. 
Our body, if it is not calm, if it is not restful, then it will not be able to restore itself, to heal itself. 
You know that when an animal gets wounded because of a hunter, or because of some other accident, that animal in the jungle will find a calm place to lie down. That is the practice of all animals in the forest. And the animal will lie down there very quietly, not eating anything, until the wound is healed; because the animal knows that if it continues to look for something to eat, then its body will have no chance to rest and restore itself. 
So looking at the animal, we see already the wisdom of stopping and resting and calming. 
The animals can do it, why can’t we do it ourselves. 
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
When our mind is troubled with emotions or thoughts, it is difficult to take decisions.
Same is true for reacting to situations that have touched us deeply.
Coming home to ourselves, calming our mind helps us to better observe the true situation.
Also our own emotions and predudice can be observed better, so that we can act on what the situation needs.
Avoiding revenge, greed, false perception.
Sometimes the road to reduction of suffering, or the road to happyness is not immediately clear.
Mindfulness and concentration will help you to see what is the best action.
Including the choise not to act.
The past weeks we have been practising to find stability and peace in ourselves.
This week we will lok on how to keep a clear view on where we want to go.
In the media the drums of war and images of innocent victims are present.
Discusions are raging on how to protect people and on how to reach peace.
We will be practising to observe the stream of our thoughts and emotions
to keep our mind clear and pure.
To act on our concience, with compassion and without hesitation.
Doors will be open at 19h30
Medition will start at 20h
There will be no Dharma sharing,
we will have a Sangha meeting on the organisation of the planned "Day of Mindfulness"
Cuong Lu is enthousiastic on coming to Eindhoven and give a Dharma talk on September 29.
We as a Sangha can organise this together,
by arranging the room, sending invitations, organising lunch and walking meditation etc.
Monday we will make plans together.
Have wonderfull Sunday.
Kind regards


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Island of Self

Dear Friends,
Beste Vrienden,
Last week we practised coming home to ourselves, being at home at our selves.
While recognising our roots and drawing nourishment and strength from our roots.
Like a tree digs its roots in healthy soil and becomes firm.
This week we focus on the place in ourselves where we feel safe, at ease and at home.
Thich Nhat Hanh calls this place "The Island of Self"
This is the place that is unmistakably yours.
The place where you can relax and heal.
It is accessable anytime, instantly because It is who you are.
It is so liberating to be who you are,
like Thay jokingly said: "If a tree wants to be something else than a tree, we would be in trouble"
Leo will lead the meditation and doors will be open at 19h30 for settling down and tea.
Guided sitting will start at 20h
followed by :
Silent walking and silent sitting.
As usual we will close with Dharma sharing.
Afterwards we will have social tea.
Have a wounderfull weekend,


Saturday, August 17, 2013

knowing that a number of members of our Sangha are ill and struggling to recover
We will be practicing this monday in the Kapel during our regular Sangha evening.
We have chosen the theme of the meditation to be:
our roots, our foundation
We are all seeking stability and solidity, especially in times of adversity.
The best place to find stability and peace is in yourself, here and now.
The place where trust and love lives, from this place we can find many sources of support and nourishment.
One of the places where we can find support and nourishment is in our roots and our foundation.
Like a tree draws its nourishment and firmness from its roots.
In Buddhism three kind of roots can be recognized:
Our biological roots
Our roots in our environment, like our friends and colleagues , but also doctors and nurses, teachers
And our spiritual roots, our sources of wisdom
Doors will be open at 19h30 for settling down and getting to know new participants
Guided meditation will start at 20h
after that Silent walking
and silent sitting.
Last part of the evening will be Dharma Sharing (until l about 21h30 -21h45)
We will close with informal tea.
I wish you a wonderful weekend,
Filled with care and compassion, with dear friends,
with beautiful blue sky, and many other opportunities to enjoy.
Kind regards,

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dear Friends,
Summer is treating us with wonderful days and warm nights.
Some of us have swarmed out to enjoy and explore new places.
Others have stayed close to home and enjoyed the relaxed pace of life during the summer time.
Our Sangha continious to grow and is getting stronger.
New people are joining, bringing new energy, experiences insights and friendship.
To better communicate in the Sangha and facilitate sharing during the week we have thought of using the internet.
We have opened a blog where some basic info on our group is posted, and these weekly announcements can be read.
please check out the following link:

This blog is an experiment and work in progress, so share what you think and advise on how it can be improved.
Tomorrow we will have a normal meditation evening:
Doors open 19h30 for calming down and getting to know the new participants
followed by guided sitting (20h)
silent walking
silent sitting
Dharma sharing.
The theme will be in line with last week where we practised stopping relaxing concentrating.
Tomorrow we will add to this: Enjoying!
According to the advice of Thich Nhat Hanh: your practise should bring you Joy, so that it is easier to integrate it in your dayly life.
Also in the sutra on mindfull breathing, one of the explicit steps is experiencing joy.
I wish you a wonderful weekend

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend and you are all well.
Last week we watched the dharmatalk on True love and the 4 aspects that are present in true love:
Loving Kindness
and inclusiveness
Following this in our meditation tomorrow (Monday July-15) we will concentrate on Loving Kindness
Doors will be open at 19h30 for tea and calming down
Guided sitting will start at 20h
folowed by silent walking
and silent sitting
We will end our evening of practise with Daharma sharing.
Kind regards


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dear Friends,
Tomorrow (July-8) will be our monthly evening of Mindfulness input. (In the KAPEL)
Pe has brought a video from the retreat of last month in Germany.
We will watch a part of a Dharma talk by Thich Nhat Hanh (DD. June 7-2013) where he speaks about True Love.
In Buddhist teachings, love has four elements:
Loving Kindness
and Freedom
Thay will speak of those 4 elements and how to feed (no nourish) love
in you and around you
Video will start at eight and will be about 20 min (both Dutch and in English)
Afterwards we can have an exchange of thoughts on the theme
Doors open at 20h
New participants of the evening are requested to come at 19h30 so that we have an opportunity to get to know eachother
Have a wonderfull weekend !


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dear Sangha Friends,
Beste Sangha Vrienden,
(english below)
Thich Nhat Hanh heeft een tijd terug geschreven "Be at home where ever you are"
over de kunst om bij jezelf te zijn en geluk aan te raken;
Onafhankelijk van waar je bent en wat de omstandigheden zijn.
Ik zie om me heen mensen die elkaar opzoeken en steunen,
bedrijfjes die starten door met elkaar te ruilen ipv met geld te betalen.
Mensen die opgewekt hun leven leiden ondanks ziekte, werkeloosheid, koude zomers..
Het lukt mij af en toe als ik de vogels hoor, en het ruisen van de wind in de bladeren
het tikken van de druppels op het dak om in te ademen en te voelen dat ik leef en hoe bijzonder dat is.
Maandag zullen in we onze meditatie onze aandacht richten op thuis komen bij ons zelf.
Some time ago Thich Nhat Hanh wrote : "Be at home where ever you are"
about the art of being with yourself and touching happiness.
Independent of where you are or of the external circumstances.
I see people around me that are living their life joyfully in spite of sickness, unemployment, cold summers ..
Now and then, when I hear the birds and the wind through the leaves and the ticking of the raindrops on the roof,
I manage to feel that I am alive and how special that is.
Monday we will focus our attention on coming home to yourself
Doors will be open at 19h30
at eight we will start with guided meditation
then silent walking
Silent sitting
we will close with Dharma sharing
Have a wonderous weekend !


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dear Friends,
Yesterday was the longest day of the year, nature is still growing to the ripeness and fullness of summer.
The weather is turbulent. Extreme hot and extreme wet are changing places all the time.
It shows me that we cannot take anything for granted and should live and enjoy life as it comes.
Do the things that are needed without hesitation and make the most of every moment that is given to us.
This monday we will have our meditation evening in the kapel.
Marianne has prepared and will lead the meditation.
Both Guido and I cannot be there.
So we have question:
Who can help Marianne prepare in setting up the room and make tea?
If you want to help please be present at 19h15 at the kapel
as from 19h30 there will be tea
and guided meditation will start at 20h
Attached a mail from Clare who moved to Southhampton some time ago and has found a Sangha there.
I'm impressed by her perfect Dutch letter and by her experience with her Sangha where they have done a walking meditation outdoors for the first time.
She sends her warm greetings.
Have a wonderful weekend


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend!
Tomorrow our mindfulness evening will be held at a different location.
The Kapel is used for a concert and recordings.
So we will gather at the home of Leo and Ingrid.
The theme of the evening is right speech right action.
We will watch a part of a talk by Thich Nhat Hanh on video.
The past few weeks we have been studying the 8th fold path.
Learning how mindfulness and concentration lead to insight.
From insight right thinking is born. bringing thoughts of  Inclusiveness, compassion .
Thich Nhat Hanh will tell how he sees how this leeads to right speech and right action.
And knowing that thoughts , speech and action can cause suffering of happyness.
Great care should go to this.
These three are calle together karma, your impact , your continuation in the world.
Doors open at 19h30 for tea and calming down
Video will start after a short silent sitting meditation (at about eight o clock)
The vieo will take about 20 minutes.
After that we can have our practise of Dharma sharing on our experiences and thoughts.
Have a good sleep and a wonderfull day!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Right Speech

Dear Friends,
Our mindfulnes practise to morrow will be on right speech.
Following our topics of the past weeks on the 8th-fold path( right mindfulness, concentration, insight and right thinking)
we focus our attention on how we interact.
With everything we say we influence our environment and the image that the environment has of us.
Words can be hurtful and words can bring doubt and fear, but also words can support, heal and bring joy.
So let our speech be about compassion, healing and reconciliation.
According to the 8th-fold path right speech is born from insight (right view) and right thinking.
From the insight of interbeing, impermanence and non discrimination.
Doors will be open at 19h30 for tea and for calming down before the meditation starts.
Also we can meet the new participants.
the program is a usual: Guided sitting, Silent walking, Silent sitting, Dharma sharing.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Please make a note in your calender, that Cuong Lu is coming to Eindhoven again at June 16
and will give a Dharma talk.

See annex for detailed information