Sunday, September 1, 2013

Clear mind

Dear Friends,
On facebook I saw the following post by Thich Nhat Hanh:
Imagine a river reflecting the full moon. 
The river must be calm in order to reflect the full moon. 
If the river or the ocean is full of waves, if it is too turbulent, then it can never reflect the beautiful image of the moon. 
Our body, if it is not calm, if it is not restful, then it will not be able to restore itself, to heal itself. 
You know that when an animal gets wounded because of a hunter, or because of some other accident, that animal in the jungle will find a calm place to lie down. That is the practice of all animals in the forest. And the animal will lie down there very quietly, not eating anything, until the wound is healed; because the animal knows that if it continues to look for something to eat, then its body will have no chance to rest and restore itself. 
So looking at the animal, we see already the wisdom of stopping and resting and calming. 
The animals can do it, why can’t we do it ourselves. 
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
When our mind is troubled with emotions or thoughts, it is difficult to take decisions.
Same is true for reacting to situations that have touched us deeply.
Coming home to ourselves, calming our mind helps us to better observe the true situation.
Also our own emotions and predudice can be observed better, so that we can act on what the situation needs.
Avoiding revenge, greed, false perception.
Sometimes the road to reduction of suffering, or the road to happyness is not immediately clear.
Mindfulness and concentration will help you to see what is the best action.
Including the choise not to act.
The past weeks we have been practising to find stability and peace in ourselves.
This week we will lok on how to keep a clear view on where we want to go.
In the media the drums of war and images of innocent victims are present.
Discusions are raging on how to protect people and on how to reach peace.
We will be practising to observe the stream of our thoughts and emotions
to keep our mind clear and pure.
To act on our concience, with compassion and without hesitation.
Doors will be open at 19h30
Medition will start at 20h
There will be no Dharma sharing,
we will have a Sangha meeting on the organisation of the planned "Day of Mindfulness"
Cuong Lu is enthousiastic on coming to Eindhoven and give a Dharma talk on September 29.
We as a Sangha can organise this together,
by arranging the room, sending invitations, organising lunch and walking meditation etc.
Monday we will make plans together.
Have wonderfull Sunday.
Kind regards


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