Monday, September 30, 2013


Dear Friends, Beste Vrienden,
Today we received a mail from Anna B. , as you might know that next to Anna T. , she too is now treated for cancer. She has had radiation therapy and is resting and getting stronger.
She thanks us for our friendship and support and she sends her love.
As soon as she is strong enough she will join us on Monday evenings.
Until then she is practicing at home at the same time as we are practicing in the Kapel.
Next to these impact full messages, we are still enjoying the wonderful afternoon we had today with the Dharma talk by Cuong Lu.
Cuong talked about better understanding ourselves and the world around us.
The part that touched me most is that
One of the things that are reveiled to you when you start to look deeper is that you can recognize better your happiness.
Our lives are filled with beauty, next to suffering.
Cuong invited us to look deeply and to take good care of our happiness.
That you can fully see it and experience it,
That you can really say:
"This is my happiness"
The past weeks we have practiced stopping resting and observing.
Tomorrow we will be practicing recognizing and enjoying our happiness.
As usual,
Doors will be open at 19h30,
Guided meditation will start at 20h
followed by silent walking and silent sitting.
At about nine o'clock we will have Dharma sharing.
Below a copy of the mail we received from "Leven in aandacht" (Foundation for Living mindfully)
It is an announcement and a call to participate in the Sangha building weekend. (in dutch)
A weekend for people that are or want to take part in building and coordinating Sangha's.
on average 2 or 3 people of every Sangha in the Netherlands and Belgium will participate (total about 120 people)
You are invited!
Have a wonderful night and a beautiful day


De werkgroep Sangha Opbouw nodigt alle sangha's uit deel te nemen aan het Sangha Opbouw Weekend, dit jaar van 8 tot 10 november in Beukenhof (bij Tilburg). Tijdens dit weekend zullen we oefenen hoe we onze sangha’s vanuit ons hart kunnen leiden. De inschrijving loopt via de website van Leven in Aandacht
Je bent welkom als je lid bent van de kerngroep van een sangha of dat wilt worden, of als je op een andere manier helpt bij de opbouw van je sangha. Er kunnen meerdere mensen vanuit één sangha komen. Dit geldt ook voor jongeren van Wake Up. Het weekend wordt georganiseerd door de werkgroep Sangha-Opbouw van St. Leven in Aandacht, waaraan ook jongeren deelnemen.
Lees meer op de website. Wacht niet te lang met inschrijven!

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