Saturday, April 2, 2022

Video Premiere: A cloud never dies, the life and legacy of Thich Nhat Hanh

 Video Premiere:

A cloud never dies,
the life and legacy of Thich Nhat Hanh

Online Sangha avond, en meditatie in de Schatkamer
Maandag April 4, 2022   (English below)

Dierbare vrienden,
Midden in de chaos en vernietiging van de oorlog in Vietnam vondt Thich Nhat Hanh de stabiliteit en helderheid waarmee hij miljoenen mensen heeft geinspireerd.
Hij leerde ons stilte, aandacht en vrede in ons bewustzijn te brengen om onszelf en onze omgeving te helen.
"Pas als we ons open stellen en durven overtuigingen en beelden los te laten is echte dialoog mogelijk"

Maandag avond kijken we samen naar de ze nieuwe film die dit weekend in premiere ging

A Cloud Never Dies, a new documentary about the life of Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay), will hold its world premier Saturday, April 2 on YouTube. Narrated by actor Peter Coyote, the film provides an intimate glimpse into the life of the global spiritual leader, poet, and human rights activist who is revered around the world for his pioneering teachings on mindfulness, global ethics, and peace.

It's our deep aspiration that this film will inspire you to commit to the practice of peace in yourself and in your communities.

Ik wens ons een weekend vol vrijheid, dankbaarheid en verbinding,
Liefdevolle groeten,

Je bent welkom  live en online

De indeling van de avond is:
19:15: voorbereiden van de ruimte
19.30: aankomen, thee en ontmoeting
20h00   Video: A cloud never dies (ca 29min), stille meditatie, 
ca 21h00.  dharma-sharing
ca 21h30  afsluiting en opruimen
Samen thee drinken en persoonlijk contact voor wie wil

Wanneer we mediteren hebben we een gelegenheid om te oefenen, om te ervaren dat we meer zijn dan ons denken en voelen.
Als we mediteren creƫren we een veilige, open ruimte waarin je geest kan ontspannen en kan waarnemen.
Je hebt alles in je om helder te kunnen zien, horen en denken.
Je bent groter, wijzer en stabieler dan je denkt. 

Video Premiere:
A cloud never dies

Dear friends,
Deep in the chaos and destruction of the war in Vietnam, Thich Nhat Hnah found the stability and clarity, with which he has inspired millions.
He taught us to bring Silence, mindfulness and peace in our consciousness to heal ourselves and our surroundings.
"Only when we are truely open and dare to let go of our convictions and projections, only then true dialog is possible"

Monday evening we will watch the new film together.

A Cloud Never Dies, a new documentary about the life of Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay), will hold its world premier Saturday, April 2 on YouTube. Narrated by actor Peter Coyote, the film provides an intimate glimpse into the life of the global spiritual leader, poet, and human rights activist who is revered around the world for his pioneering teachings on mindfulness, global ethics, and peace.

It's our deep aspiration that this film will inspire you to commit to the practice of peace in yourself and in your communities.
Have a wondrous day, with gratitude and connection,
Warm greetings,

he format of this evening 
19:15 : preparing the room
19h30: arriving , calming down with tea
20h00  Video premiere: A cloud never dies (ca 29 min);
Silent meditation,
ca 21h00.  dharma-sharing
ca 21h30  Closing, clearing the room
Tea and personal contact for who wishes to stay

In meditation we can practice and experience that your insight is there, just stop and allow it to manifest.
You are bigger, wiser and more stable than you think.                         

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