Friday, February 14, 2014

To touch life, come home to yourself

Dear friends,

Monday feb 17 we will have our evening of mindfulness input.
We watch (part of) de video of the Dharmatalk of Thich Nhat Hanh about coming home to yourself. Having a home in yourself.
Mindfulness can bring you into contact with YOU, with your life. Being fully present in full contact with what is happening and what is important to you.
Many people chase after success, fame and wealth and in the process loose contact with all the richness that is there in the present moment. If we do not train our mind, we let our mind run free to chase after desires, fears and regrets. Your body and your senses are your window , your interface to the world. And your feelings tell you how the present relates to your inner compass.
When you are not in contact with your body and feelings, you are flying blind. When you are not aware what drives you or understand true happiness, then where are you running to?
Being mindful, being in full contact with the present moment. Fully aware of what is in you and around you. Mindfulness brings you into contact with your happiness and lets you read your compass.

Doors will be open at 19h30 for settling down and getting to know each other.
Video will start at 20h
Afterwards we can share impressions thoughts and experiences 
at about 21h30 we will have informal tea

Have a wonderful weekend

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