Adem Stevig geworteld
Breathing Firmly rootedMeditatie en uitwisseling in "de Schatkamer"
Maandag 20 Januari, 2025 (English below)
Dierbare Sangha,
Ademen in vertrouwen, ademen geeft vertrouwen.
Waarnemen dat je adem er is en dat de wereld er is. Het wonder dat je kunt ademen, het wonder dat de wereld ons voedt en draagt. De adem en de aanwezigheid van de Boeddha-wijsheid. Onze Boeddha-natuur aan het werk.
In diep vertrouwen en dankbaarheid nemen we afscheid van Rochelle Griffin. Afscheid van de vorm waarin ze bij ons was, en dankbaar voor de vorm waarin ze bij ons blijft.
Rochelle, een dierbare vriendin, Dharma Leraar in de lijn van Thich Nhat Hanh, heeft door haar vaste vertrouwen en toevlucht tot de Dharma, veel moeilijkheden en pijn kunnen dragen en een inspiratie en steun kunnen zijn voor de levens die ze aanraakte.
Aanstaande maandag vervolgen we de bestudering en beoefening van het volledige aandacht voor de ademhaling.
De eeuwenoude tekst kun je lezen in de vertaling van Thich Nhat Hanh via deze link:
Een belangrijke vrucht van de Dharma is dat we leren om te stoppen en terugtekeren naar verbinding. De verbinding met het leven en de verbinding met onze bron, onze wortels. Om terug te keren naar ons thuis.
We observeren de adem en het lichaam, observeren hoe het lichaam diep geworteld is in de aarde, in het leven.
Gewoon zitten en ademen, alsof het de eerste keer is.
Open observeren, met verwondering, ervaren dat je ademt, dat je zit, dat je leeft.
Thay Cuong Lu nodigt ons uit om waarnemen dat 'Hier' en 'Nu' niet geisoleerd zijn, maar verbonden over tijd en ruimte. Dat jezelf verbonden bent over tijd en ruimte. Dat je voorouders gewoon aanwezig zijn, in jou, in je lichaam, in de wegen en scholen die ze gebouwd hebben en in de wijsheid die ze hebben doorgegeven. Afgescheidenheid is een illusie.
Bewust van de adem en lichaam, stevig geworteld, observeren wat er in je mind opkomt, waarnemen dat daar ook blijdschap en stilte is; dat gedachten en emoties te gast zijn in je mind.
Ik wens ons een prachtig weekend vol ontdekking, verbinding en compassie.
Warme groeten
As zondag 19 Januari zal het programma "De Boeddhistische blik" op NPO de documentaire uitzenden:
"Walk with me" . Een mooie weergavevan het leven in PlumVillage an portret van Thich Nhat Hnah.
Breathing Firmly rooted.
Meditation and sharing in "de Schatkamer" this Monday evening.
Meditation and sharing in "de Schatkamer" this Monday evening.
Dear Sangha,
Breathing in trust, breathing gives trust.
Perceiving that your breath is there and that the world is there. The wonder that you can breathe, the miracle that the world feeds us and carries us. The breath and the presence of the Buddha, our Buddha-nature at work.
With great confidence and gratitude we commemorate Rochelle Griffin. Letting go of the form in which she was with us, grateful for the form that she stays with us.
Rochelle, a dear friend, Dharma teacher in the lineage of Thich Nhat Hnah has by her strong faith and refuge in the Dharma overcome much difficulty and pain. And could be an inspiration and support for the lives she has touched.
This Monday we continue to study and practice our full awareness of breathing.
The centuries old Sutra on the Full awareness of breathing is translated by Thich Nhat Hanh and his translation can be found in:
An important fruit of the Dharma is that we learn to stop and return to connectedness. The connectedness with life and the connectedness with our source, our roots. To return to our home.
Observing breath and body, observe how the body is deeply rooted in the earth, in life.
Just sit and breathe , like it is your first time.
Observe with openness, with wonder, experience that you are breathing, that you are sitting, that you are alive.
Thay Cuong Lu invites us to observe that the 'Here' and 'Now' are not isolated, but connected through space and time. That you yourself are connected across space and time. That your ancestors are still present, in you, in your body, in the roads and schools they built, in the wisdom they have passed on to us. Separation is just an illusion.
Aware of breath and body, firmly rooted, observe what passes by in your mind, observe that joy and stillness is there too; that thoughts and emotions are a guest in your mind.
Have a wonderful weekend full of discovery, connectedness and compassion
Warm greetings
This Sunday the documentary "Walk with me" will be shown on Dutch television
About the life in PlumVillage and about Thich Nhat Hanh
Breathing in trust, breathing gives trust.
Perceiving that your breath is there and that the world is there. The wonder that you can breathe, the miracle that the world feeds us and carries us. The breath and the presence of the Buddha, our Buddha-nature at work.
With great confidence and gratitude we commemorate Rochelle Griffin. Letting go of the form in which she was with us, grateful for the form that she stays with us.
Rochelle, a dear friend, Dharma teacher in the lineage of Thich Nhat Hnah has by her strong faith and refuge in the Dharma overcome much difficulty and pain. And could be an inspiration and support for the lives she has touched.
This Monday we continue to study and practice our full awareness of breathing.
The centuries old Sutra on the Full awareness of breathing is translated by Thich Nhat Hanh and his translation can be found in:
An important fruit of the Dharma is that we learn to stop and return to connectedness. The connectedness with life and the connectedness with our source, our roots. To return to our home.
Observing breath and body, observe how the body is deeply rooted in the earth, in life.
Just sit and breathe , like it is your first time.
Observe with openness, with wonder, experience that you are breathing, that you are sitting, that you are alive.
Thay Cuong Lu invites us to observe that the 'Here' and 'Now' are not isolated, but connected through space and time. That you yourself are connected across space and time. That your ancestors are still present, in you, in your body, in the roads and schools they built, in the wisdom they have passed on to us. Separation is just an illusion.
Aware of breath and body, firmly rooted, observe what passes by in your mind, observe that joy and stillness is there too; that thoughts and emotions are a guest in your mind.
Have a wonderful weekend full of discovery, connectedness and compassion
Warm greetings
This Sunday the documentary "Walk with me" will be shown on Dutch television
About the life in PlumVillage and about Thich Nhat Hanh
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