Sunday, May 3, 2015

Commemorating victims of war

Dear Friends, Beste vrienden,

Maandag is 4 mei doden herdenking.
Moday may-4 we commemorate the deaths of war (WW2 and later)

We like to start early, please be present 19h45, doors open 19h30.
(english below)

Oorlog is ingrijpend en gecompliceerd.
Wij oefenen in niet dualiteit en compassie.
Wat doe je als de ander met aggressie en geweld levens verwoest.

Op 4 mei gedenken wij de slachtoffers van oorlogs geweld.
De onschuldigen
De mensen die zijn opgestaan en de vrijheid hebben verdedigd
En de mensen die door misleiding of verkeerd begrip handelen.

Thich Nhat Hanh heeft gezegd tijdens de Vietnam oorlog:
The soldier is not our enemy, ignorance and intolerance is our enemy.

War is complicated and has deep impact on lives.

On may-4 we commemorate the victims of war,
the innocents
the people that stood up to defend our freedom
the people that act from delusion and false perception

During the Vietnam war Thich Naht Hanh said:
The soldier is not our enemy, Ignorance and intolerance is our enemy.

We will have 2 minute silence at 20h00, so we like to start at 19h50
After that we will have our normal program with silent walking, silent sitting and Dharma sharing.

Enjoy your weekend and your freedom!

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