Sunday, November 16, 2014

Roots feeding the leafs, leafs feeding the roots

Dear Friends,
Monday our meditation will concentrate on interbeing.
Especially because Thich Nhat Hanh is in hospital recovering from a serious brain hemorrhage.

One insight from meditating on interbeing is that the teacher is born at the same time as the pupil.

Earlier we have concentrated on our roots, and how they nourish and support us. How our roots can be strong and deep into healthy healing soil.
We have meditated on how our ancestors are alive in us, our parents, but also our friends and teachers that are present in our consciousness and our being.
If our teacher speaks do we hear him/her or do we hear his/her teacher? Or is it reflecting my own experience?

The leafs are collecting the sunlight and breathe the oxygen from the blue sky and are feeding the tree and the roots to be strong. So that the tree can give shelter and nourishment to all who need it.

Last year a little girl asked Thay: Where will you go when you die?
His answer was: I am not planning to go any where, my continuation is already here and it will not go away.

Our mindful breathing and support of the Sangha will strengthen Thay and the people who are taking care of him.
Our loving kindness and care for each other will heal our society. And will support all those that benefit from our stability, space, transparency and freshness, especially our friends and loved ones that are ill or in fear.

Doors will be open at 19h30
Meditation will start at 20h
Please bring something that is a reminder to someone in need or to someone that you are grateful 

Enjoy your weekend!

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