Stoppen, aandacht, adem. Gevoelens en gedachten.
weken hebben we geoefend met de basis van de meditatie. Stoppen, aandacht,
adem. Vanavond oefenen we verder met stoppen, aandacht en ademen. We oefenen
onze aandacht steeds terug te laten keren naar het hier en nu. Het anker
waarmee we oefenen zijn nu de gevoelens en gedachten die in ons bewegen. Het
komt zoals het komt en het gaat weer. Het is als eb en vloed, als de golven van
de zee. Bewust blijven dat het niet gaat om de verschijningsvorm van water: golf,
druppel, troebel of spiegelglad helder. De verschijningsvormen leiden ons af en
nemen ons in beslag. Ondanks haar vele verschijningsvormen, blijft water in
haar essentie water. We hoeven
niet te reageren, niet mee te gaan in de vorm. We kunnen waarnemen, aanvaarden
en loslaten. We keren steeds weer terug met onze aandacht en volgen de adem
hier en nu.
Stop, focus, breathe. Feelings and thoughts.
Past few weeks we have been practicing with the basics of meditation. Stop, focus, breathe. This evening we carry on with stop, focus and breathe. We exercise our attention more to return to the here and now back. The anchor which we practice are the feelings and thoughts that move us. It comes as it comes and it goes again. It is ebb and flow, like the waves of the sea. Remain aware that it is not the appearance of water: golf, drip, cloudy or clear slippery. The manifestations distract us and take us to complete. Despite its many manifestations, water remains in its essence water. We do not need to respond, not to go into the form. We can observe, accept and let go. We return again and again to our attention and follow the breath here and now.
Past few weeks we have been practicing with the basics of meditation. Stop, focus, breathe. This evening we carry on with stop, focus and breathe. We exercise our attention more to return to the here and now back. The anchor which we practice are the feelings and thoughts that move us. It comes as it comes and it goes again. It is ebb and flow, like the waves of the sea. Remain aware that it is not the appearance of water: golf, drip, cloudy or clear slippery. The manifestations distract us and take us to complete. Despite its many manifestations, water remains in its essence water. We do not need to respond, not to go into the form. We can observe, accept and let go. We return again and again to our attention and follow the breath here and now.