Dear Sangha friends, beste Sangha vrienden (Dutch below)
The past is gone and the future is not here yet.
The present moment is here and it is our only chance to live.
This is one of the most known teachings by the Buddha.
Thich Nhat Hanh adds to that 'Your true home is in the present moment'
But is it true that the past is gone? Some people relive the past every day multiple times. They replay the movie of what happened to them time after time. as real as full color and surround sound.
Also people live in constant hope that it will be better tomorrow .
They are pulled out of the present moment and miss the opportunity to live now.
You cannot live in the past, but the past can live in you, it can take possession of your attention. The wonder is that you can heal the past and come to peace with your past.
Other people are fully absorbed by the future that they do not look around an connect any more. Again the wonder is that the future can live in you in the present moment, in such a way that it does not sweep you away.
You can stay in contact with the present moment and focus on what you can do now, in this very moment to set you on a different path. A step that sets better conditions for the future.
The future is now, here with us, as a seed, same as the past is here with us as an echo, to learn from.
So have an open mind, open heart and an open eye, be fully aware of what is there here and now
The past is gone and the future is not here yet.
The present moment is here and it is our only chance to live.
This is one of the most known teachings by the Buddha.
Thich Nhat Hanh adds to that 'Your true home is in the present moment'
But is it true that the past is gone? Some people relive the past every day multiple times. They replay the movie of what happened to them time after time. as real as full color and surround sound.
Also people live in constant hope that it will be better tomorrow .
They are pulled out of the present moment and miss the opportunity to live now.
You cannot live in the past, but the past can live in you, it can take possession of your attention. The wonder is that you can heal the past and come to peace with your past.
Other people are fully absorbed by the future that they do not look around an connect any more. Again the wonder is that the future can live in you in the present moment, in such a way that it does not sweep you away.
You can stay in contact with the present moment and focus on what you can do now, in this very moment to set you on a different path. A step that sets better conditions for the future.
The future is now, here with us, as a seed, same as the past is here with us as an echo, to learn from.
So have an open mind, open heart and an open eye, be fully aware of what is there here and now
To be alive is a miracle, to breathe is a miracle, to walk on the earth is a miracle. The flash of consciousness that we are allowed to experience in the whole existence of the cosmos is a miracle.
All I can do at this moment is be still and wonder, enjoy in gratitude. And with the sense of being firmly rooted in the present, venture out into the world with this amazing body and consciousness that we have. Formed from all the elements of and being part of mother earth.
Monday evening (July-29th) we will have our evening of mindfulness in 'de schatkamer' Mimosaplein 2 Eindhoven.
Monday evening (July-29th) we will have our evening of mindfulness in 'de schatkamer' Mimosaplein 2 Eindhoven.
With warm regards,
I wish you a beautiful weekend full of stillness, wonder and gratitude,
I wish you a beautiful weekend full of stillness, wonder and gratitude,
Our Sangha meeting is in 'De Schatkamer', Mimosaplein 2 Eindhoven
De format of the evening is:
19.15: preparing the room
19.30: doors open, arriving, meet with tea
20.00: start meditation
introduction theme
guided meditation
walking meditation
silent meditation
dharma sharing
21.30: closing, cleaning up and opportunity for meeting with tea.
De format of the evening is:
19.15: preparing the room
19.30: doors open, arriving, meet with tea
20.00: start meditation
introduction theme
guided meditation
walking meditation
silent meditation
dharma sharing
21.30: closing, cleaning up and opportunity for meeting with tea.
Beste Sangha vrienden,
Het verleden is voorbij, de toekomst is er nog niet, we hebben alleen het heden om in te leven'. Dit is een van de bekendste uitspraken van de Boeddha, Thich Nhat Hanh brengt dat een stapje verder: 'Het huidige moment, hier en nu, is je ware thuis'
Maar is het verleden wel voorbij? Veel mensen draaien nog dagelijks het filmpje af van wat hen in het verleden is overkomen. Daarmee verliezen ze het kontact met het huidige moment. De kans om, hier en nu, vrij te kunnen leven gaat daamee voorbij. Even tragisch is een voortdurend verlangen en hoop dat het morgen beter zal zijn.
Het wonder is dat je het verleden kunt helen en vrede kunt sluiten met je verleden. Evenzo kun je niet leven in de toekomst, maar je kunt wel geleefd worden door de toekomst. De toekomst leeft wel in jou, jij kunt de toekomst maken. Door je keuzes vandaag kun je je pad verleggen en de condities voor een mooie toekomst creeren. We kunnen niet weten wat er komt, de beste kans hebben we als we helder en open zijn, in kontact met wat er nu is, in ons en om ons.
Vertrouwen in het niet weten, vertrouwen in aandachtige open gewaarwording, vertrouwen dat ieder moment nieuw is en dat jij ieder moment nieuw bent. Zoals Cuong Lu het zo krachtig verwoordt: 'Je bent vrij. Je bent mooi, je bent een prachtige manifestatie van het leven'. Je bent een bron van leven, je bent een bron van compassie, je hebt zoveel te bieden. Vertrouw op jezelf, je bent al vrij, het geluk is in je.
Maandag komen we weer samen in de Schatkamer (Mimosaplein 2 Eindhoven)
Ik wens je een heerlijk weekend, vol stilte, verwondering en dankbaarheid,
Warme groeten