Saturday, August 26, 2017

May I be filled with loving kindness

Dear friends, Beste vrienden,

One of the beautiful mantras that was composed a few years ago is based on the Metta meditation: the cultivation of 'loving kindness' 

May I be filled with loving kindness
May I be well
May I be filled with peace and joy
May I be happy

May you be filled with love and kindness
May you be well
May you be filled with peace and joy
May you be happy

May we be filled with loving kindness
May we be well
May we be filled with peace and joy
May we be happy

May all be filled with loving kindness
May all be well
May all be filled with peace and joy
May all be happy

The past weeks we have been meditating and concentrating on taking care of oneself. For me an important first step is to be compassionate to yourself, mostly we are to harsh or we tend to ignore. It is healing to be honest and compassionate, be gentle with loving kindness.

Learn to be at ease with yourself, be at home, 
love yourself for who you are, what you can and cannot do; 
for your aspirations and your efforts. 
And from there make your steps into the world knowing that we 'inter-are' with all living beings and all of nature.

Doors will be open at 19h15 monday Aug-28, to setup the room and have tea together.
Meditation starts at 20h00
Adress Mimosaplein 2 Eindhoven.

Attached the invite to the talk by Cuong lu (in Dutch) on sunday September17, 2017
Onderwerp: Vrij zijn van de angst om te falen.
Met het vriendelijke verzoek om de uitnodiging voor de lezing door te sturen naar iedereen die mogelijk geinteresseerd is.

Have a wonderful weekend,


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