Sunday, May 29, 2016

Beste vrienden,

Bewust van het lijden veroorzaakt door de vernietiging van leven,  beloof ik van ganser harte om mijn begrip van inter-zijn en mededogen te ontwikkelen  en het leven van mensen, dieren, planten en onze Aarde te leren beschermen.
Dit is de eerste zin van de eerste aandachtsoefening.
Deze zin  draagt de belofte in zich om met aandacht denken, spreken en handelen te midden van het leven.
Tijdens onze Sangha bijeenkomst wil ik stilstaan bij de verbinding tussen voornemen en doen en mogelijke gebieden in ons dagelijks leven waarin we een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan bescherming van het leven.
Ik wens je een fijn weekend en tot maandagavond!

Dear friends,
Aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I am committed to cultivating the insight of inter-being and compassion and learning ways to protect the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals.
This is the first sentence of the first mindfulness training.
This sentence carries the promise to think, speak and act mindful in the daily stream of life.
During our Sangha meeting, I would like to focus on the connection between intention and doing and potential areas in our daily lives in which we can contribute to protect life.
I wish you a relaxing weekend and hope to see you Monday evening!


Monday, May 2, 2016

Stop waiting, start living.

The present moment
Contains past and future
The secret of transformation
Is in the way we handle this very moment

Dear friends,

You're invited to join us in our sangha meditation evening at the chapel.

We try to give our life meaning. We try to grow and reach our goals in life.
We try to relax in a disturbing and restless environment.
If we've reached one goal, the next is already rising.

At your place in our sangha you are invited to stop.
To return to your breathing.
And to look deeply what it feels like to be present.

We will focus on looking deeply in the wonderfull moments
In our lifes
We will invite eachother to be aware of our shining presence
The True home in yourself, the energy of peace.
Not waiting for the future when thins will be better
Stop waiting, start living.

Nothing is born, nothing dies
Nothing to hold on, nothing to release,
Samsara is nirvana
There is nothing to attain.

Doors open at 19h30 for relaxing and tea,
Meditation will start at 20h with
Guided sitting meditation
Silent walking
Silent sitting.
at ca 21h we will have Dharma sharing

Help is appreciated at 19h15 to set up the room.

I wish you all a beautifull, sunny Sunday!

Joost Vriens