Sunday, April 17, 2016

Finding our true home

Dear Friends,
Tomorrow we will have our Mindfulness evening at a different location.
Hemelrijken 77

We will watch a part of a video together from the retreat "Finding our true home"(in 2013)
The video of the opening is on Youtube:

Finding your true home can be a life time journey, but the irony is that it is only a breath away.
Being at peace in the present moment, being your own best friend is something you can do any time, anywhere.

Doors will be open at 19h30 at the Studio of Leo and Ingrid
Hemelrijken 77
Video will start at 20h. with a short sitting meditation, video will take about 20min.
Afterwards we have the chance to share our experiences in a Dharma sharing.

Enjoy the new spring !!


Saturday, April 9, 2016

Je eigen stilte en stabilteit aanraken; Touching your own stillness and stabilty.

Dear Friends,
Last week we have practiced stepping in and out of the cacophony in order to hear your own thoughts and feel your own emotions.
Inside of us is a place that is still and pure.
You can touch it when ever you want.
It is only one breath away.

Around us is the world of form and color, constantly changing.
You can compare that with the waves on the water, sometimes wild, sometimes calm.
Underneath are the currents of our thoughts and emotions.
But deep below it is calm and still, it is the space where you can find peace and warmth.
Some call this place the place of pure source.
Monday evening (April 11) we will practice stopping, becoming still and touch our stability and peace.

Doors open at 19h30 for relaxing and tea,
Meditation will start at 20h with
Guided sitting meditation
Silent walking
Silent sitting.
at ca 21h we will have Dharma sharing
Help is appreciated at 19h15 to set up the room.
Have a wonderful weekend

Sunday, April 3, 2016

When the cacophony stops ...

Beste vrienden, Dear friends,

In turbulente tijden is het soms lastig om te voelen wat normaal is.
Stoppen rusten, ontspannen en thuiskomen bij jezelf geeft je de gelegenheid om weer te ervaren hoe het is als de omgeving even niet trekt of duwt.
Als de kakofonie even stopt kun je je eigen gedachten en gevoelens weer waarnemen en heb je gelegenheid om goed voor jezelf te zorgen.
Je zult merken dat daarna de kakofonie anders klinkt en je er met een glimlach en compassie naar kunt kijken.

In turbulent times Is is sometimes difficult to feel what is normal and what not.
Stopping, resting, relaxing and coming home to yourself gives you the possibility to experience how it feels when the outside world is not pushing or pulling.
When cacophony stops , you can observe your own thoughts and feelings and you can take good care of yourself.
You will experience that the cacophony will sound completely different afterwards and you can look at it with a smile and with compassion.

Doors open at 19h30 for tea and conversation,
meditation starts at 20h sharp.

Help is welcome to set up the room and for making tea.
Have a wonderful spring weekend !